Rainbow / Sensory room
Our sensory room is a specially designed room which combines a range of stimuli to help children develop and engage through their senses.
Children will have an opportunity to have small group sessions with either their key worker or with our experienced SEND co-ordinator.
Our aim at Kidzland is that all children’s needs are met whether there is a learning difficulty or developmental disability. We aim to support all children with English as an additional language, or children who just needs extra support within smaller groups.
Our sensory area helps children to learn to interact with the world around them in a safe environment that builds up their confidence and their ability.
Children will have various intervention tasks set in this space. This ranges from sessions such as Attention Builders, Work Stations, Communication Tables, or simply, a child needs intervention to gain more confidence through smaller interpersonal groups. As well as structured sessions we understand children need to explore our sensory areas at their own leisure, this freedom lets carers see what calms them, rouses them, and to further understand their current interests.