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Yellow Room / Little Investigators

Yellow Room / Little Investigators

Welcome to a very caring, happy and friendly yellow room. Children are at the heart of all that we do and we are committed to ensuring that all our children have the best possible opportunities, experiences and memories while they are with us.
We aim to develop positive values, self-confidence and independence. In yellow room we encourage children to develop at their own pace, we provide the children the opportunity to question, discover, experience, experiment, and explore everything we have to offer them.

The children are given opportunities to express themselves and communicate their ideas through a wide range of materials and resources.

We encourage independence in health and self care, for example washing hands, toilet training, helping to tidy up, and brushing their teeth.

We work on all children’s interests to ensure children’s needs are met, and children are meeting development points for their age and stage.

Our activities all promote sharing skills, listening skills, fine and large motor skills and communication skills.

Practitioners ensure mathematical language is promoted through out the room and through our circle and musical sessions.

Group Of Elementary Age Children In Art Class With Teacher