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Red / Little Discoverers Room

Red / Little Discoverers Room

In little discoverers room, we provide a stimulating, caring and excitng environment for your child. Our activities keep children engaged in their play and learning.

We plan our activities through our children’s interests.

Working in partnership with our parents helps us to provide activities that support each child’s learning at home, for example, a child may have enjoyed visiting the beach and collecting shells at the weekend with their parents. We will then extend this by creating a beach scene in our activity tray. Building sand castles finding hidden treasure from pirates.

Planning through children’s interests extends their learning, children are having fun and are fully engaged.

Your child’s development is focused on three prime areas. These are:

Physical development
Communication and language
Personal, social, and emotional development

Not only do we focus on these key areas, but we also weave development throughout your child’s day. These specific areas are mathematics, literacy, expressive arts, and design and understanding the world

Group Of Elementary Age Children In Art Class With Teacher